Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Love this package design

I'm not too big on popcorn, but I used to love Jumping Jack popcorn (a brand sold in South Africa). The other day we were buying some things for the weekend and had a sudden craving for Jumping Jack. Just as I reached out to grab a bag, my eyes fell on the most beautiful package design. There, next to the Jumping Jack was a whole rage of flavoured popcorn from a new brand called Hoppity Poppity! Wanting to just grab them all up, I thought, let me just have a look at what flavours they have... and that's when I found this particular one! And as Dave LOVES black pepper, Ijust had to take it.

-it was so good, the popcorn was fresh and very yummy! I told Dave I want to get one of
each flavour and after stuffing our faces with yummy popcorn I want to frame the empty
packets. I think it would make lovely kitchen wall art, don't you?-


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