Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just a little taste of what lies ahead...

Everyone keeps asking me "so, have you open that shop yet?" well just about... David and I are opening a small shop in Hermanus. It will be an Art, Design, Gift shop. Our aim is to get local suppliers, artists from South Africa and mainly from our surrounding area. I put this collage together of images I collected from all over the Net. This is my inspiration for the atmosphere and decor of our shop.
more will be revealed soon...
Please forgive me if I cannot remember where I got the images, as I went through a lot of them. The only image I do know, is the top middle one which is from Cupcake Couture.


  1. Darling! xxxx Emily of EL Vintage

    PS- I hope you come follow me too. xxxx

  2. LOVE IT! love it! LOVE IT! love it! LOVE IT!

  3. Looking good Chane' - very excited for you...and this new undertaking!


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